The Optimum House is designed to make it possible to install photovoltaic panels of up to approx. 10 kW p, depending on what possibilities there are to locate the building facing given cardinal directions. The final amount of electricity produced will be adapted to the specific energy concept of the building and local regulations.
We distinguish between two systems: grid-on and grid-off. The first one means that the house is connected to the public electricity grid. It makes possible to exchange electric power between house and public grid in two directions. By leading the electricity from the house to the public grid we may sell it or store depending on local regulations. Having the grid-off system, an interim electricity storage is necessary to balance the changing energy supply and consumption.
We invited innogy – Germany’s leading energy company with activities in 16 countries across Europe – to supply each of our Optimum Houses with local electricity.
Learn more about PV-System
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